Mussels in Escabeche

Current stock: 0

These mussels are grown in the clear waters of the Galician Rías, inlets along Spain's Western coast. Lightly fried and then packed in escabeche, a blend of vinegar, olive oil, bay leaf and spices. There are between 12-16 small, tender mussels and they are delicious eaten right out of the tin with fresh bread to sop up all the juice. We also love to serve them alongside boiled potatoes & aioli or lightly tossed with fresh pasta noodles. Perfect for a picnic, all you need are a few toothpicks to fish the mussels out with!

About Minnow: At Minnow, our tinned seafood is sourced from sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, caught at the height of season and quickly processed, oftentimes by hand, at local canneries to preserve the vitamins, omega-3s, natural oils and fresh flavor of each fish.

Mussels in Escabeche